Kennedy Prods House Interior Subcommittee Chairman to Increase Invasive Species Funding

Date: May 19, 2005
Location: Washington, DC

Kennedy Prods House Interior Subcommittee Chairman to Increase Invasive Species Funding

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Mark Kennedy spoke with the House Interior Subcommittee Chairman on the floor of the House of Representatives today, during consideration of the Interior Appropriations bill. Congressman Kennedy asked the Subcommittee Chairman for aid to combat invasive species in waters around the country.

"As someone who enjoys recreational activities like fishing, boating and hunting and represents thousands of Minnesotans who do as well, I share a special responsibility to make sure that these opportunities are available for generations to come," said Congressman Kennedy. "In Minnesota, we are increasingly challenged to find ways to prevent and control disruptive species like European and Asian Carp in Minnesota waters."

Invasive species are responsible for billions of dollars in costs attributed to control measures, habitat destruction and lost fishing, boating and hunting opportunities. State and interstate Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) Management Plans, that aim to protect against these species, have been approved by Congress.

However, funds to implement these plans have fallen far short of desired levels, with only $1 million to be distributed to 16 approved plans this year. With 11 other states in the process of developing plans, it is clear that additional resources are needed if these control measures are to be successfully completed.

"Simply put, we need to invest more funding, if we hope to control the spread of these aquatic pests," said Congressman Kennedy.

"I am pleased that the Chairman heard our concerns today, and committed to work with me to gain more funding. I look forward to working with him to make sure these invasive species are brought under control," said Congressman Kennedy. "It's necessary that plans are put in place to identify activities to eliminate or reduce risks to the environment, public health and safety associated with invasive species."
